
gpio-mock 1.0.0



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A framework to mock GPIO by redirecting calls to /sys/class/gpio/ to ./sys/class/gpio/

This framework does not provide any simulated hardware, with the exception of DS18B20 digital thermomters which can be simulated in a number of ways.

GPIO Mock redirects any fs function call concerning paths starting with '/sys/class/gpio' to (by default) './sys/class/gpio'. This means that tests that either do not require hardware, or tests that can function with simulated hardware can function without changes to the code.

Some examples

Using 'fs' directly


let gpioMock = require('gpio-mock');
let fs = require('fs');

gpioMock.start(function(err) {
  fs.writeFile('/sys/class/gpio/export', '1', function(err) {
    if (!err) {
      // GPIO 1 is exported.
      fs.writeFile('/sys/class/gpio/gpio1/direction', 'out', function(err) {
        if (!err) {
          // GPIO 1 is set to out
          fs.writeFile('/sys/class/gpio/gpio1/value', 1, function(err) {
            // GPIO 1 is set to high

  // Reset changes to fs when done

Simulated hardware

let fs = require('fs');

// Simulated LED
function ledSwitch() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    fs.readFile('./sys/gpio/gpio1/value', 'utf8', function(err, fd) {
      if (!err && fd === '1') {
        console.log('LED is on!');
  }, 200)

The simulated LED above could just as well be an IR LED, with a simulated IR receiver writing '1' to ./sys/class/gpio/gpio2/value when GPIO1 is '1', and writing '2' when GPIO1 is '0';

Using mc-gpio


let gpioMock = require('gpio-mock');
let gpio = require('mc-gpio');

gpioMock.start(function(err) {
  gpio.openPinOut(1, function(err, data) {
    if (!err) {
      // GPIO1 is open and set to out
      gpio.write(1, '1', function(err, data) {
        if (!err) {
          // GPIO1 is set to high

  // Reset changes to fs when done

Simulated hardware

let fs = require('fs');

// Simulated LED
function ledSwitch() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    fs.readFile('./sys/gpio/gpio1/value', 'utf8', function(err, fd) {
      if (!err && fd === '1') {
        console.log('LED is on!');
  }, 200)